What are Permanent Exclusions in Health Insurance

What are Permanent Exclusions in Health Insurance?


It is typically advised to carefully study the insurance policy documentation before purchasing health insurance so that you are aware of all the terms and conditions of the policy. The features and exclusions of a plan are another crucial part of health insurance that prospective policyholders should carefully consider. The policy papers make explicit note of the specifics of what is and is not covered.

Additionally, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has compiled a list of illnesses under “permanent exclusions” for which insurers are not required to offer coverage. We’ll examine all the illnesses and ailments that the IRDAI has categorised as permanent exclusions from health insurance in this post.

List of Permanent Exclusions in Health Insurance

List of Permanent Exclusions in Health Insurance
Permanent Exclusions in Health Insurance

  • Sarcoidosis

    • Sarcoidosis is a condition marked by the development of microscopic clusters of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in any area of the body.
    • Most frequently the lymph nodes and lungs. However, it can also harm your heart, skin, eyes, and other organs.
    • Sarcoidosis has no known cure, yet the majority of patients benefit greatly from minimal or no treatment. Sarcoidosis occasionally clears up on its own.
  • Malignant Neoplasms

    • Cancerous tumours are classified as malignant neoplasms. They arise as a result of uncontrollable cell growth and division.
    • Malignant tumours have the ability to spread to surrounding tissues as well as distant regions of the body.
    • Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery are all possible forms of treatment & early detection is crucial.


  • Epilepsy

    • The neurological condition epilepsy is characterised by aberrant brain activity that results in seizures or episodes of strange behaviour, sensations, and occasionally loss of consciousness.
    • Epilepsy can strike any person. Men and women of different ages, races, and cultural backgrounds can develop epilepsy.
    • Various signs of seizures can occur. During a seizure, some epileptics just stare blankly for a brief period of time, while others continously jerk their limbs or legs.
    • One seizure may not necessarily indicate epilepsy. A diagnosis of epilepsy typically requires at least two unprovoked seizures that occur at least 24 hours apart from one another.


  • Heart Ailments like Congenital heart disease & Valvular heart disease

    • Congenital heart disease is a blanket term covering a variety of birth abnormalities that impair the heart’s ability to function normally.
    • Several symptoms of congenital heart disease, particularly in infants and young children, include:
      • Quick heartbeat
      • Fast breathing
      • Tremendous fatigue and exhaustion, as well as swelling of the legs, stomach, or area around the eyes or a blue tint to the skin or lips (cyanosis)
    • Any heart valve that has been damaged or is ill is said to have valvular heart disease.
    • The following signs and symptoms could occur in people
      • Breathing difficulty
      • Chest pain
      • Fatigue
      • Fainting or vertigo


  • Cerebrovascular Disease

    • Encompasses all conditions when one or more cerebral blood arteries are involved in the disease process and a part of the brain is temporarily or permanently impacted by is bleeding.
    • Stroke, carotid stenosis, vertebral stenosis, intracranial stenosis, aneurysms, and vascular abnormalities are all examples of cerebral vascular disease.


  • Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    • A series of illnesses known together as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) result in persistent inflammation (pain and swelling) in the intestines.
    • Symptoms consist of
      • Belly pain
      • Constipation
      • Bloating and gas


  • Chronic Liver Diseases

    • Chronic liver disease (CLD) is characterised by a steady decline in liver activities over a period of more than six months.
    • These processes include the production of clotting factors and other proteins, the detoxification of toxic metabolic byproducts, and the excretion of bile.
    • Cirrhosis and fibrosis are the results of CLD.


  • Pancreatic Diseases

    • The pancreas creates hormones that regulate how your body handles sugar and enzymes that aid in digestion (glucose).
    • Acute pancreatitis, which manifests rapidly and lasts for days, is one type of pancreatitis that can happen.
    • Chronic pancreatitis, or pancreatitis that lasts for a long time, can occur in some persons.
    • Treatment helps mild cases of pancreatitis get better, but consequences from severe cases can be fatal.


  • Chronic Kidney Disease

    • A progressive loss of kidney function is a feature of chronic kidney disease, commonly known as chronic kidney failure.
    • The goal of chronic Kidney disease treatment is to slow the development of kidney damage, usually by addressing the underlying cause.
    • However, even stopping the cause of kidney disease could not stop the damage from getting worse. Chronic renal disease can worsen and lead to deadly end-stage kidney failure.


  • Hepatitis B

    • A severe liver infection known as hepatitis B is brought on by the hepatitis B virus (HBV).
    • Infection can develop chronic in certain patients, meaning it lasts longer than six months.
    • Having chronic hepatitis B raises your risk of getting liver cancer, liver failure, or cirrhosis, which causes the liver to become permanently scarred.
    • Hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccine, but it cannot be cured if contracted. By taking specific precautions, you can help stop the virus from spreading to others if you are infected.


  • Alzheimer’s Disease

    • A degenerative neurologic condition called Alzheimer’s disease results in the death of brain cells and brain shrinkage.
    • The most frequent cause of dementia, which is characterised by a steady decline in thinking, behavioural, and social abilities and impairs a person’s capacity for independent functioning, is Alzheimer’s disease.


  • Parkinson’s Disease

    • Parkinson’s disease is a brain condition that results in unintentional or uncontrollable movements like trembling, stiffness, and issues with balance and coordination.
    • Typically, symptoms start out mildly and get worse over time. People could experience difficulties speaking and walking as the illness worsens.
    • Additionally, they may experience behavioural and mental changes, sleep issues, depression, memory loss, and weariness.


  • Demyelinating Disease

    • Any disorder that weakens the myelin sheath, which surrounds the nerve fibres in brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord.
    • Nerve impulses slow or even cease when the myelin sheath is compromised, leading to neurological issues.


  • HIV and AIDS

    • Potentially fatal illness known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (HIV).
    • HIV interferes with your body’s capacity to fight disease and infection by weakening your immune system.
    • A sexually transmitted infection is HIV (STI). Additionally, it can be transferred through sharing needles, injecting illegal substances, and coming into touch with infected blood. Additionally, it can be passed from mother to kid while she is pregnant, giving birth, or nursing. Without treatment, it can take years for HIV to progressively impair the immune system to the point where you develop AIDS.
    • HIV/AIDS has no known cure, however drugs help manage the infection and stop the disease’s progression.


  • Loss of Hearing

    • There are numerous types of hearing loss.
    • It can range from a modest loss, when someone misses some high-pitched noises like women’s and children’s voices, to a complete loss of hearing.


  • Papulosquamous Skin Disease

    • There are various skin conditions known as papulosquamous diseases. Actually, it’s a name for a collection of unrelated skin disorders.
    • These illnesses are not treated the same way, and their underlying causes differ as well. Instead, only physical similarities between these vastly dissimilar and varied skin disorders are used to classify them.
    • Papules (red, raised bumps) and plaques (a flat, thicker patch of skin) that are flaky or scaly are signs of papulosquamous skin conditions. These spots might or might not itch.


  • Avascular Necrosis

    • The demise of bone tissue as a result of a lack of blood supply is known as avascular necrosis.
    • It can result in minor fractures and bone collapse. Typically, the procedure takes months to years.
    • Anybody may be impacted. However, those between the ages of 30 and 50 have the highest prevalence of the illness.

The IRDAI has now suggested insurers to include these disorders under their plans’ “inclusions” for those particular policyholders in order to guarantee that patients with these diseases as pre-existing conditions receive adequate coverage. The IRDAI further states that when amendments are made to the policy terms by the insurer, the policyholders must be informed that certain diseases have been added as “inclusions” under their policy.

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