US government says all Americans will pay much more for natural gas this winter

According to data on anticipated energy costs issued by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), Americans can anticipate increased natural gas prices for the forthcoming winter.

According to the EIA, U.S. families who predominantly use natural gas for heating are expected to spend $931 on heating on average this winter, a staggering 28% ($206) more than they did the year before.

According to the U.S., natural gas serves as the principal heating fuel in about half of all houses. 2021 American Community Survey by the Census Bureau.

The EIA claims that rising retail natural gas prices are to blame for the anticipated increase in natural gas bills. 

The organisation stated that it anticipated a 22% increase in retail natural gas prices from $13.02 per thousand cubic feet (McF)

The EIA reported that it expects U.S. families who primarily use natural gas for heating will spend $931 on heating on average this winter, a staggering 28%, or $206, more than last year.


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