Success Mantras by Ratan Tata

"If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But If you want to walk far walk together"

"I admire people who are very successful. But, that success has achieved through too much ruthlessness, then I may admire that person but I can't respect him"

"No one can destroy iron but its own rust can! Likewise, no one can destroy a person, but his own mindset can"

"There are many things that, if i have to relive, maybe i will do it another way. But, I would not like to look back and think What I have not been able to"

"I am proud of my country. But we need to unite to make a unified India, free of communalism and casteism. We need to build India into a land of equal opportunity for all"

"The strong lives and weak die. There is some bloodshed, and out of it emerges a much leaner industry, which tends to survive"


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