Different Type of Home Loans in India

Loans for Construction of a Home

Ideal for persons who want to build their own house rather than buying a ready home

House Expansion Loans

Ideal for persons who want to alter an existing house by adding a bedroom or balcony etc

Loans for Land Purchase

Although not offered by all the institutions, these loans help you in purchase of land either for building a house or keeping it just for investment.

Home Improvement Loans

Ideal for persons who want to repair and renovate their existing homes.

Balance Transfer Home Loans

Ideal for persons who want to tranfer their existing Home Loan from one lender to another institution.

NRI Home Loans

Again not every institution offers loan to NRIs but these loans are helpful to Non Residents in buying a property in India

Bridge Loan

Ideal for homeowners who want to buy a new home but needs bridge funding till the time their existing home is sold and funds received from it

Loans for Purchase of a House

Most common loan taken by most people. Available for tenure of 25 to 30 years. Interest rates are mostly floating.


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