9 Stock Market Movies/Series Based on True Story

The Big Short (2015)

IMDB Rating | 7.8 Based on the dramatic collapse of US Housing Market

Chasing Madoff (2010)

IMDB Rating | 6.2 Based on the story of Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme

Barbarians at the Gate (1993)

IMDB Rating | 7.2 Based on buyout of a Tobacco Company RJR Nabisco

Gafla (2006)

IMDB Rating | 7.3 Based on Harshad Mehta

Rogue Trader (1999)

IMDB Rating | 6.4 The story of Nick Leeson

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

IMDB Rating | 8.2 Based on the story of Jordan Belfort

Scam 1992 (2020)

IMDB Rating | 9.3 Based on 1992 Indian Stock Market Scam

Rogue Trader (1999)

IMDB Rating | 6.4 The story of Nick Leeson

Million Dollar Traders (2009)

IMDB Rating | 7.3 Based on 1980 Turtle Traders Experiment

1929: The Great Crash (2009)

IMDB Rating | 7.3 Based on the 1929 Stock Market Crash


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