7 Reasons why you should make a Will

Although it can be emotionally disturbing to start planning to part with your assets while you are still alive. But there is no other better time to write your will.

India has moved on from ancestral wealth to self made wealth. Hence a will becomes necessary incase the person has multiple assets and a multiple heirs.

Lifestyle diseases have increased hence if your age is 50 or over than it is time to make a will.

Post death there is a chance of expensive legal fights between heirs related to ancestral jewellery, art pieces etc. To avoid the same it is necessary to make a will.

Smooth transfer of business is essential for its successful continuation. This is possibly only when the legal heir is clearly defined in a will.

Nobody likes a family dispute especially after their death. A will ensure smooth transfer of assets to legal heirs and avoids legal disputes.

Children are top priority for any parents. Loss of parents can lead to a big emotional as well as financial impact on the child. You can appoint a legal guardian for your minor children in the will

Our courts are burdened with lakhs of cases related to property disputes. Nominee is just a trustee of the property and not the beneficial owner. This is single most important reason to make a will.


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