5 Simple Ways To Improve Your CIBIL Score

CIBIL is one of the leading Credit Bureaus of India. CIBIL score reflects a person’s credit history. Higher CIBIL score is beneficial to the borrower.

A good repayment history on Credit Card Bills, Loan EMIs is crucial in getting a higher CIBIL score

Timely Repayment

When you apply to multiple lenders within a short period it affects your score negatively.

Borrowing Often

Sometimes a lender does not report your timely payments to CIBIL. Such discrepancies should be flagged and corrected.

Report Discrepancies

Never breach your credit card limit. Infact keep your spending at 60 - 70% of your limit.

Lower Credit Use

Having a longer tenure ensures your EMIs are lower and you dont default on them.

Long Tenor Loans

A CIBIL Score of 750 to 900 is considered an excellent score


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