11 Finance Documentaries worth watching

Billion Dollar Day (1985)

IMDB | 7.6

The Corporation (2003)

IMDB | 8

The Ascent of Money (2008)

IMDB | 7.9

Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)

IMDB | 7.4

Freakonomics  (2010)

IMDB | 6.3

Wall Street Warriors (2006)

IMDB | 7.2

Too Big to Fail  (2011)

IMDB | 7.3

The China Hustle (2018)

IMDB | 7.1

Inside Job  (2011)

IMDB | 8.2

Banking On Bitcoin (2017)

IMDB | 6.6

Enron- The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)

IMDB | 7.6


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